We are going to talk about Jidai Festival.
It started as a commemoration ceremony of Heian company which managed and preserved shrines.
This festival is called “Jidai festival” because it dates back from era to era and parade.
The first time of Jidai festival was held on October 25th in 1895 as go and worship at Heian Shrine.
But since next year, it formed that the spirit of the emperor Kanmu and Komei was accompanied by many attendants and went to shrine.
The day also became October 22nd that was the day when emperor kanmu had moved the capital from Nagaokakyo to Heiankyo.
This festival is called “Jidai festival” because it dates back from era to era and parade.
The first time of Jidai festival was held on October 25th in 1895 as go and worship at Heian Shrine.
But since next year, it formed that the spirit of the emperor Kanmu and Komei was accompanied by many attendants and went to shrine.
The day also became October 22nd that was the day when emperor kanmu had moved the capital from Nagaokakyo to Heiankyo.
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